How Healthy Are You?

How healthy are you?

Would you like to improve your current level of fitness?

Does your lifestyle support your long term health?

Are supplements necessary and how many calories a day should you eat

A detailed women’s health and fitness assessment is something I complete with all new clients. Nearly every woman I have ever worked with says she wants to get fitter or feel healthier. If this is you too then it’s important to know what your starting point is. Establishing a baseline is essential to measure progress and assess the success of any lifestyle changes – such as diet and exercise.

Gyms are still closed as I write this in early July 202o, and I am unable to train clients in person due to COVID 19, so I have created an assessment you can complete at home without any special equipment. This will help arm you with information and establish your baseline.

My Women’s Health & Fitness Assessment is free for you to download. This comprehensive assessment includes a number of fitness tests, questions and tasks to carry out at home. The Women’s Health & Fitness Assessment enables you to compare your results with those considered optimal for your age. With this information you can then decide which areas of your health and fitness to focus on, using the tips in the review section. Check out this instructional video on how to complete two of the tests here.

If you complete my Women’s Health & Fitness Assessment I’d love to hear from you and what you discovered about your health and fitness. Feel free to send me an email

I look forward to hearing from you soon!
